Ben Stoler

benstoler [at] cmu dot edu
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Hello! I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Jean Oh in the Bot Intelligence Group.

I currently study safety and robustness in autonomous driving and social robot navigation, where I research ways of improving perception, planning, and evaluation methodologies for robots which navigate among humans. Previously, I have worked in operating systems and reinforcement learning research, at University of Michigan as well as Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.


Conference Papers
  1. SafeShift: Safety-Informed Distribution Shifts for Robust Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Driving. Benjamin Stoler*, Ingrid Navarro*, Meghdeep Jana, Soonmin Hwang, Jonathan Francis, Jean Oh. 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). Jun 2024.
  2. T2FPV: Dataset and Method for Correcting First-Person View Errors in Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction. Benjamin Stoler, Meghdeep Jana, Soonmin Hwang, Jean Oh. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Oct 2023.
  3. AGAMOTTO: How Persistent is your Persistent Memory Application?. Ian Neal, Ben Reeves, Ben Stoler, Andrew Quinn, Youngjin Kwon, Simon Peter, Baris Kasikci. Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI). IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention. Nov 2020.
Workshop Papers
  1. Challenges in Close-Proximity Safe and Seamless Operation of Manned and Unmanned Aircraft in Shared Airspace. Jay Patrikar, Joao P. A. Dantas, Sourish Ghosh, Parv Kapoor, Ian Higgins, Jasmine J. Aloor, Ingrid Navarro, Jimin Sun, Ben Stoler, Milad Hamidi, Rohan Baijal, Brady Moon, Jean Oh, Sebastian Scherer. Aerial Robotics Workshop ICRA 2022. May 2022.
  2. Meta Arcade: A Configurable Environment Suite for Deep Reinforcement Learning and Meta-Learning. Edward W Staley, Chace Ashcraft, Benjamin Stoler, Jared Markowitz, Gautam Vallabha, Christopher Ratto, Kapil Katyal. Deep RL Workshop NeurIPS 2021. Dec 2021.
Preprint Articles
  1. SEAL: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving via Skill-Enabled Adversary Learning for Closed-Loop Scenario Generation. Benjamin Stoler, Ingrid Navarro, Jonathan Francis, Jean Oh. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.10320. Sep 2024.
  2. CaDRE: Controllable and Diverse Generation of Safety-Critical Scenarios using Real-World Trajectories. Peide Huang, Wenhao Ding, Benjamin Stoler, Jonathan Francis, Bingqing Chen, Ding Zhao. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.13208. Sep 2024.
  3. Structural Similarity for Improved Transfer in Reinforcement Learning. Chace Ashcraft, Benjamin Stoler, Chigozie Ewulum, Susama Agarwala. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.13813. Jul 2022.